Hasegawa Junkers Ju 87B-2 Stuka

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-Dive bombs down the target, screaming terrifying sirens, dropping bombs at the target, and then the ground forces advance and quickly break through enemy positions.
-This was the German blitz's best blitz operation in early World War II.
-Junkers Ju87 was developed as a full-fledged dive bomber, incorporating the dive bombing method established by the U.S. Navy Air Corps, and in 1935, the prototype of the Ju87 was completed. He was compared with Ha137 and Heinkel He118 competitors.
-As a result, Ju87 and He118 remained in the final judgment, but while Ju87 made a near vertical descent and easily caused the evacuation, the He118 has the highest speed as fast as 70 km / h, but the most important descent performance is Descent at an angle of 50 degrees was the best.
-In addition, the pilot of World War I ace Ernst Udet, who performed the test himself, started the descent of the He118 from an altitude of 4,000 m, and eventually the propeller overspeeded and the speed reduction gear blew and crashed. Was.
-Woodet escaped safely with a parachute, but this automatically decided the adoption of Ju87, and the Air Force Ministry ordered Junkers to order 10 advanced production models.
-This is called Ju87A-0 and is based on the final prototype V4, but it has been replaced with an engine (Jumo210Ca) with slightly higher output, and the wing plane shape has been significantly changed.
-Since then, A-1, A-2 and A series have been produced, but the engine with less than 700hp lift-off power is clearly lacking in horsepower, so a high-powered engine has been awaited.
-Repeated tests were carried out on the aircraft equipped with the Jumo211A (1,000 hp lift-off output) that was finally put into practical use in 1938, and the pre-production Ju87B-0 was produced.
-The same parts as the A series are the main wing and horizontal tail only, all others have been redesigned.
-The B series is wider than the Ju87B-0, with the first mass-produced B-1 equipped with a Jumo211Da engine with a direct fuel injection system on the Jumo211A, a thrust exhaust pipe, and a hydraulically operated radiator shutter. The improved B-2, which became a propeller, was produced.
-Stuka, which has become the name of Ju87, is an abbreviation of the German descent bomber (Sturzkampfflugzeug).

-Crew: 2 people
-Overall width: 13.80m
-Total length: 11.10m
-Height: 3.96m
-Total weight: 4,250kg
-Engine: Jumo211Da Lift-off power: 1,200hp
-Maximum speed: 383km / h (altitude 3,700m)
-Armed: 7.92mm machine gun x 3 Bomb: 500kg x 1 or 250kg x 1 + 50kg x 4
-First flight: September 17, 1935 (prototype Ju87V1)

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