Fine Molds Modern Ship CIWS

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Fine MoldsFineMolds 4536318770343 | 4536318770343

Sale price¥1,144 Regular price¥1,430


- This is a set of proximity defensive firearms that are adopted and equipped in current US Navy, Maritime Self Defense Force and other worldwide ships.
- The characteristic hemispherical radome and the Vulcan gun / RAM launcher equipped just under it are precisely reproduced.

- There is an optical device on the side of the radome and equipped with Vulcan cannon.
- There is no optical device on the side of the radome and it is equipped with Vulcan cannon.
- 11 Equipped with an intermittent RAM launcher.
- It is possible to select and assemble from these three types.
- 4 sets of sets.

- Contents: 4 Vulcan phalanxes, 4 Vulcan with optical sensor, 4 Sea RAM
- Supported ship:
· Vulcan Phalanx: Sea self [Each type] Each ship and [Izumo]
· Vulcan with optical device: [Kake], Tanakami type 4 ship [Sazanami] and after
· SeaRM: [Izumo type], subsequent US Navy · Maritime Self Defense Force vessel

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