Embarking on a Gunpla Adventure: Building the Bandai HG Gundam Calibern

If you're new to the world of Gunpla (Gundam plastic model kits), you're about to embark on an exciting journey of creativity, precision, and craftsmanship. To start, you've chosen the Bandai HG Gundam Calibern, a fantastic choice for both beginners and experienced builders. To ensure a smooth and satisfying build, let's take a closer look at the essential tools you'll be using:

1. God Hand GH-PN-120 Blade One Nipper 5.0

GH-PN-120 Blade One Nipper 5.0

Your journey begins with the right tools, and the God Hand GH-PN-120 nipper is a precision instrument that will make part removal from the runners (the plastic frames) a breeze. Its sharp blades provide clean cuts, minimizing stress marks on the parts.


2. File Hasegawa TT-2 Modeling File Set

TT-2 Modeling File Set

To refine the edges of the parts after cutting them from the runners, you'll need the Hasegawa TT-2 file. It's perfect for smoothing rough areas and ensuring a clean fit during assembly.


3. Pen Knife OLFA 10B Art Knife 

10B Art Knife (inc 25pcs Blade)

When it comes to delicate detailing and precise trimming, the OLFA 10B pen knife is your go-to tool. It's versatile, allowing you to make controlled cuts and adjustments where needed.


4. Cutting Mat GSI Creos MT801 Mr. Cutting Mat A3

MT801 Mr. Cutting Mat A3 Size

A dedicated workspace is essential, and the GSI Creos MT801 cutting mat provides a protective surface for your work area. It also features measurement guides, making it easier to cut and trim parts accurately.


5. Sanding Paper Sujiborido MAG020 Magic Holder Blue #600

Sujiborido MAG020  Magic Holder Blue mazikkuyasuri Equivalent to (# 600) with 5 Pieces

For further refinement and smoothing, the Sujiborido MAG020 sanding paper is an excellent choice. It ensures a seamless fit between parts and helps you achieve that flawless finish.

Now that you have your tools ready, it's time to dive into the assembly process of the Bandai HG Gundam Calibern:

Step 1: Preparation

  • Organize your workspace with good lighting and ventilation.
  • Carefully study the kit's instruction manual, which provides step-by-step guidance.
  • Identify the parts you'll need for each step and keep them organized.

Step 2: Nip and Trim

  • Use your God Hand GH-PN-120 nipper to remove the parts from the runners. Make clean, precise cuts, following the manual's instructions.
  • Use the Hasegawa TT-2 file to gently smooth any rough edges, ensuring a perfect fit.

Step 3: Assemble

  • Begin assembling the parts according to the manual's instructions. Follow the sequence carefully to avoid mistakes.
  • Pay close attention to alignment and orientation to achieve the best results.

Step 4: Refine and Detail

  • Use the OLFA 10B pen knife for any additional trimming or detailing required by the kit.
  • If necessary, gently sand parts with the Sujiborido MAG020 sanding paper for a flawless finish.

Step 5: Enjoy the Process

  • Building Gunpla is not just a hobby; it's an art form. Enjoy the process, take your time, and savor every step.

As you progress through the build, you'll see your HG Gundam Calibern come to life piece by piece. It's a journey filled with satisfaction, creativity, and the joy of crafting something uniquely yours. Happy building!
