Tomix 1/80(HO) [Limited Edition] Hokuetsu Express Series 683-8000

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TomixTomix 4543736590989怀|怀4543736590989

Sale priceĀ„128,480 Regular priceĀ„160,600


1/80(HO) [Limited Edition] Hokuetsu Express Series 683-8000 Limited Express (Hakutaka/Snow Rabit) Set (9-Car Set)

- Hokuetsu Express Maps 683 series 8000 numbers replicated in new production
- 6 sets of basic organization and 3 sets of attached scales 3 sets
- Built-in interior lighting unit in all cars
- Kumoha 683 and Kuha 682 reproduce the appearance that the front penetrating door is open with parts replacement
- Car side indicator light installed in separate parts
- The wiper comes with another part
- [Snow Rabbit Express] logo mark and [HOKUETSU EXPRESS] mark reproduced by printing
- Car number printed
- side view curtain etc. Seal attachment - Car body mark etc Transfer sheet included
- The headlight is white with the lower part illuminated in white, the upper part in lightbulb color, and the taillight is lit in red
- It is possible to turn on the headlight when the head car is facing each other
- Cabin interior lights are lit simultaneously when the taillight is lit
- Headlight Ā· Tail light Ā· Cabin interior light with on-off switch
- Power loaded with flywheel - Equipped with tightly-coupled TN coupler
- The minimum passing radius is R490 (excluding S-shaped linear)

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