Tomix 92370 J.R. Suburban Train Series E231-1000 `Tokaido Line` (Basic

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TomixTomix 4543736923701 | 4543736923701

Sale price¥13,376 Regular price¥16,720


J.R. Suburban Train Series E231-1000 `Tokaido Line` (Basic B 5-Car Set)

- Active in the Tokaido Shonan Shinjuku Line! Near train E231, renewal sale!
- New production car body! Adoption of white LED Head Ride!
- Motorized flywheel! Changing the shape of the trolley
- Adopt a new production at the front skirt enhanced
- Five-car train set included
- Green reproduction glass-curtain illuminated display unit operation direction
- Comes with a choice of front glass + seal destination of your choice + printed front curtain destination direction
- TN coupler head portion employed (SP)
- Reproduce the Semikurosu Long sheet
- Made by Tran cooler with Supotekku
- Adopt new wheel black current collector system
- Mark Speaker JR lid printing expression
- Support for car number transfer sheet

- Toshimashite Notices, No. 92 284 will be discontinued. Please note.

Kuha E231-8000 [product details], Saha E231-3000, Moha E231-1000 (M), Moha E231-1000,
Kuha E230-6000

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