Bandai Figure-rise Mechanics DORAMI

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BandaiBandai 4573102554628 | 4573102554628

Sale price¥2,475 Regular price¥2,750



Figure-riseMechanics Following Doraemon, Dorami also appeared!

Figure-riseMechanics brings the robot's internal mechanics to a new level!

* Detail of the internal mechanism of the drami is reproduced precisely! Furthermore, that 'ribbon shaped ear' is also mechanized! You can enjoy the difference with the internal mechanism of Doraemon!
* Internal mechanism is a cute coloring like Dorami!
* Exterior parts, besides normal yellow, also comes with a clear exterior through which internal mechanisms can be seen through!
* Simultaneous sale "Figure-riseMechanics Doraemon" along with brothers and sisters can be displayed cute!

* Clear exterior ÁE1 formula
Primary disqualification


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