KATO 10-1901 N Gauge 225 Series 100 Series 3rd Car New Rapid 8 Car Set Model Train

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Kato - Precision Railroad ModelKATO 10-1901γ€€|γ€€4949727691930

Sale priceΒ₯22,528 Regular priceΒ₯28,160


Commercialization of the I10 train (8-car set) belonging to the Aboshi General Railway Station.
The front of each lead car with no steps at the top of the through door is reproduced.
The lightning arrester on the roof reproduces the shape seen in recent years. In addition, the underfloor equipment reproduces an electric air compressor with a different shape than before.
The fall prevention holo is reproduced with a separate part. Two types are available: one for the lead car with an emphasis on appearance and the other for when combined.
The use of a slotless motor realizes smooth and quiet running performance.
Each car is equipped with a body-mounted KATO coupler densely coupled (without hook). An electric coupling (1 stage) is included for the front.
Head/tail lights, front display on, white LED (with off switch).
Each car is already equipped with the front display "A New Rapid Himeji". As a replacement, the 4-car set comes with "A New Rapid Yasu", and the 8-car set comes with "A New Rapid Yonehara" and "B New Rapid Omi Imazu".

* Model railroads are a system that supplies power from rails. Batteries are not used even when running, emitting light, or lighting up.
* Batteries are not included in this product.
* Fuel is not used in this product.
* Fuel is not included in this product.
* Paint is not included in this product.

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