Kotobukiya MH11X Heavy Weapon Unit 11 killer Beak

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KotobukiyaKotobukiya 4934054050277怀|怀4934054050277

Sale priceĀ„1,287 Regular priceĀ„1,430


Full length: approx 185mm.

-The 11th Heavy Weapon Unit is a function expansion type that separates from a support fighter into a flight unit and a long rifle!
- A support mechanism that combines the characteristics of the Freestyle Gun and the Exceed Binder.
- [Beak sensor] with a beak as a motif is designed to be used as a head unit for Frame Arms, and [Active Wing] can be flexibly moved at the top and bottom bases, and can be stored and deployed with a 3mm diameter connection. is.
- The blocks used to connect the [Long Laser Rifle], [Active Wing], and [Beak Sensor] can be disassembled and used like other heavy weapons.
- Since it supports various flying bases, you can enjoy various situations such as cooperative attacks with models.

- The [Beak Sensor], which has a beak as a motif, can be used as the head of Frame Arms (sold separately), and has 3mm holes on the side and back of the head to expand the unit.
- The [Long Laser Rifle], which is the main body, is designed to inherit the extensibility of the Freestyle Gun, and can be disassembled into [Main Unit], [Grip], [Long Barrel], and [Magazine]. You can make [Short Laser Rifle] etc.
- [Active Wing] has a 3mm diameter connection at the base, making it a highly versatile part that can be used for a variety of purposes when disassembled.
- [Micro Thruster] and [Micro Gun Pod] are included as detail-up parts to decorate the 3mm diameter hole, and can be attached to the long laser rifle and beak sensor.

惻Beak sensor x 1
惻Ball joint for beam sensor x 1
惻Long laser rifle (1 set)
惻 Active wing (1 set)
惻Connecting block A
惻Connecting block B
惻Crank joint x 2
惻Landing gear base x 1
惻 Landing gear Ɨ 2
惻 Micro gun pod x 2
惻 Micro thruster Ɨ 2

- Design: Masaya Nakamura

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