TOMIX N Gauge JR 733 1000 Series Hakodate Liner Set 98572 Model Train

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TomixTOMIX 98572γ€€|γ€€4543736985723

Sale priceΒ₯13,288 Regular priceΒ₯16,610


The 733 series was introduced in 2012 based on the 731 series with specifications that support the introduction of new technology and barrier-free.
The 733 series "Hakodate Liner" is operated between Shin-Hakodate Hokuto ~ Hakodate as an access train on the Hokkaido Shinkansen, which opened in March 2016.

The "Hakodate Liner" logo has already been printed.
The car number corresponds to the transfer sheet.
The ATS mark, wheelchair accessibility mark, and stroller mark formation number are recorded on the transfer sheet.
The front display is printed with "Rapid".
The head and tail lights are lit with white LEDs.
Head/tail ON/OFF switch.
Only the lead cab is equipped with a TN coupler (SP).
Flywheel power, new current collection system, and black wheels are adopted.
M13 motor is adopted.

* Model railroads are a system that supplies power from rails. Batteries are not used even when running, emitting light, or lighting up.
* Batteries are not included in this product.
* Fuel is not used in this product.
* Fuel is not included in this product.
* Paint is not included in this product.

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