New from G-FORCE: N-6 Drift Wheels with Different Traction Levels for Every Drift Style

Very popular! The long-awaited 6-spoke version is now available in the HAYATE wheel series!

It is more rigid than the previous five-spoke design, allowing for more precise settings.

Two offset types, +6mm and +8mm, are available in normal, traction, high traction, and super traction types. Set of 2.

G-FORCE GD058 N-6 Drift Wheel /+6/White

G-FORCE GD059 N-6 Drift Wheel /+8/White

G-FORCE GD062 N-6 Drift Wheel Traction /+6/White

G-FORCE GD063 N-6 Drift Wheel Traction /+8/White

G-FORCE GD064 N-6 Drift Wheel High Traction /+6/White

G-FORCE GD065 N-6 Drift Wheel High Traction /+8/White

G-FORCE GD066 N-6 Drift Wheel Super Traction /+6/White

G-FORCE GD067 N-6 Drift Wheel Super Traction /+8/White

G-forceRcRc driftRc parts